Assignment 5: SPSS and Regression
Revised 2/8/2006
Due at start of class on 17 February, 2006.

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Use SPSS and the standard class data set to answer the following questions. You may want to refer to the original questionnaire. Each question is worth one half a point unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Create a scatter plot of pace (I live a fast paced life) and sit (I hardly ever sit around doing nothing.): By looking at the scatter plot, estimate the sign and magnitude of Pearson's r:
  2. Based on the scatter plot, is the assumption of linearity met? Yes No
  3. Based on the scatter plot, is the assumption of a non-truncated range met? Yes No
  4. Use SPSS to calculate the Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient between pace and sit. What is the value of r?
  5. If we calculate the linear regression equation, will the results be meaningful? Yes No
  6. Use SPSS to perform a linear regression predicting pace given sit. What is the slope of the linear regression equation?
  7. What is the intercept of the linear regression equation?
  8. What is the linear regression equation for predicting pace from sit? (Do not use X and Y in the equation -- use the name of the X variable and the name of the Y variable instead.)
  9. If a person responded that they disagreed with the statement "I hardly ever sit around doing nothing." (response value 2), what would one predict that they would respond to the question "I live a fast paced life?" The predicted value is (give a number)
  10. The number given in the previous question means that the person (agrees [value of 4], disagrees [value of 2], etc.) with the statement.
  11. What is the coefficient of determination for this equation?
  12. What does this coefficient of determination tell us?
  13. What is the linear regression equation for predicting sit from pace? (Do not use X and Y in the equation -- use the name of the X variable and the name of the Y variable instead.)
  14. If a person responded that they strongly agreed with the statement "I live a fast paced life." (response value 5), what would one predict that they would respond to the question "I hard ever sit around doing nothing." The person (agrees, disagrees, etc.) with the statement.
  15. What is the standard deviation of pace:
  16. What is the standard deviation of sit:
  17. Given the above two standard deviations and the Pearson's r from question 4, what value should the slope have for the regression equation predicting pace from sit:
  18. What is the equation for determining the intercept of a line (use "bar" to represent the mean, e.g. Xbar is the mean of X):
  19. Substitute the appropriate values into the equation given in the previous answer for the intercept of predicting pace given sit. I want the values in the equation, not necessarily the value of the intercept.
  20. Use SPSS to add a regression line to the scatterplot of pace vs sit. (Hint: see scatter plots.)

    Save ALL of your SPSS output to a file named as your last name. Email me the SPSS output file (the .spo file).

    When you are all done with the questions, click on the submit button. Your answers are not submitted unless you click on the button, receive confirmation that your answers have been received, and email your SPSS output to me.